TUSHRIK FREDERICKS recipient of Princess Grace Award (Chris Helman dance honor), nominated by TRIBE (Founding artistic director, Shamel Pitts) in 2021 is originally from Johannesburg, South Africa. Growing up he found himself drawn towards the style ‘KRUMP‘. He graduated from the Peridance Certificate Program in NYC in June 2015 and has had the opportunity to work with Ate9 dANCEcOMPANY (Danielle Agami, Artistic Director), Sidra Bell Dance New York (Sidra Bell, Artistic director) and UNA Productions (Chuck Wilt). Tushrik was an assistant lecturer to Sidra Bell at The University of the Arts Philadelphia for Sophomore students (2016-2018). In May 2021 Tushrik received 3rd prize for dance at the SoloTanz Festival in Stuttgart for his first rendition of his self choreographed solo '(territory) of the heart' and in May, 2023 - Tushrik performed the full rendition of '(territory) of the heart' at the Museum of African Diasporic Arts in Brooklyn, NY.
Artist Statement:
My work continues to research and push the boundaries of the limits that ‘man’ has placed on himself when it comes to rigor on the body and mind which blurs the fine line between sanity and insanity, thus resulting in a highly physical practice which pushes the limits of the psyche. The practice consists of physical research which pushes durational studies which then informs how my physical being relates to my mental being. My research feels highly sacred as well as spiritual in a way that I relate to the world and all things around and inside of me. I believe that it takes pushing the body to extreme physical boundaries so that we may reach moments of bliss by breaking beyond those boundaries and connecting to our higher purpose or my higher purpose and that is to acknowledge that- “i am the universe. The universe is i. God is the universe. and God is i.”
Coming soon!