World-renowned Kirov-trained teacher Madame Gabriela Darvash was Artistic Director and resident choreographer for the State Opera Ballet in Cluj, Roumania for 14 years. Since 1972 she has resided in New York, running her own school from 1976 to 1988. The New York Times’ Anna Kisselgoff and Jennifer Dunning have praised her ability to create beautiful, strong, artistically expressive dancers. The New York Times also quotes Mikhail Baryshnikov calling Madame Darvash "one of the distinguished and fine ballet pedegogues in America." One of her students, a principal dancer with New York City Ballet, has written "her method of teaching has changed my life...her devotion to this method and the care she takes with each of her students reminds me very much of the way Mr. Balanchine used to teach his classes."